I want to around the world, every part of the earth. My Indonesia, Asia, Europe, America, Africa, or even Alasca.. as a backpacker? Yes. As a traveler? Yes. As an adventurer? No. I won’t be like one of that craziest man, Christopher McCandles, a.k.a Supertramp.
I love him, I love his story, I love when he naked, I love when all people love him. I love all the way he took.. except when he killed a moose and when he ate that poor lizard. I love her first girl. I love Emille Hirsch that very handsome to be like him. Yess, on the movie I knew him. Alex Supertramp.
He went, escaped, from all part of his life. Live the nature, with no money, no smoke, no tv, or facebook. He had everything that actually he could get it always, he had rich parents, loveable sister, 24000$, and Harvard University. So, what did he thought to leave all of them?
To got his freedom. And he did, he reached. Everyone loves him, except the police in the train. Yeah, all adventurers with their backpack and never touch a soap, would seems like a .. yeah you know. He arrived all that territories, then got all the rivers, saved his money, and went to his destination, Alasca.
Okay, I love to be a traveler, someday. And it will be sweet if I could around the Europe with him. Being a most poor backpacker-couple, it’s alright. I want to know that world, I want to know if my geographic’s teachers told me about all the magic is true or not. Meander, Moraine, Cliff, all the mountain, all the rocks, all the city, and all the country. I want to laying down on the most green grass of the great Savana in the world, with the sweet tea, book, and jazz. I want to making a big sand-castle in Victoria’s desert with its hell climate. I want to being naked=nekad rolling on with the waves in the lonely shore. I want to touching all the ponor in the karst mountain. I want to getting my own poundsterling, talking about love with my UK man. I want to make a glass of es campur in the north pole. I want to be jungle girl in my own country. Huauauaua. Yeah I want to getting all that way, but they won’t be the dangerous travel, but if they may in my life, yeah even only the half, I want that dreams come true with a happiness way, not too scary or dangerously, or poisonessly. – amien.
When I come back, I have back my life normally. I will have targets. I won’t leave my family, even I hate them so much. I love nature, but now I love people more.. and I forever love God, Chris..
And if we have dreams, we just being sure to get it..